Video Clip & RSC Pack Review

The video clip attached shows the trailer for an adaptation of the book "Double Cross" by Malorie Blackman. The characters in the video show their status in many different ways. The "Noughts" (white people) in the video show that they are from a lower class because of their bad posture. They also show that they are very 'Gangster' through their choice of clothing, for example, the scarf around his face to hide himself and wearing a baggy shirt. However, the "Crosses" (black people) show that they are from a higher class and status because they have a very good posture and wear posh, clean clothing. The clip shows that the white people want equality as its seems as though the black people are superior, but 'Callie' doesn't know what to do as she is in love with a white person from a lower status and class than her.
The RSC pack provides many helpful resources to help you get to know the play better. It shows all the main characters, their relations, and a basic layout and a summary of the story. It also gives details of what happens in the story as it progresses. The pack also shows the main themes of the play - some of these are; divided society, slavery, racism, terrorism, love and friendship. It explains how Malorie Blackman wrote the story, not focusing on the description and location, but on the concept and the characters. THE RSC pack also explains how "Noughts & Crosses" strongly relates to "Romeo and Juliet". This information pack was incredibly useful as it helped to give me a stronger insight into the play. It also helped me to understand why Malorie Blackman made certain decisions when writing the story.

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