In Ms Lee's lesson, I learnt to develop my improvisation skills, creating smooth transitions between scenes and showing emotion through body language. At the beginning of the lesson, we had a small discussion about what "Noughts & Crosses" was about, and how each character had different feelings and emotions, based on certain situations in the play. We did many different warm ups for our voice and body. One of the exercises was to speak the vowels (a,e,i,o,u) in one long breath. This helped us with our breath control. Another one of the exercises was to hold a note for a while and go up the scale, to help us get the right pitch and tone of voice. As a class, we also warmed up our mouths to help with articulation. This is so that we could pronounce our words and speak properly without stuttering or mixing up our words. One of the exercises was to pretend that we were chewing gum. For this we had to exaggerate our mouth movements. To warm up our bodies, we did lots of stretching and some exercises using lots of body movement.
To improve our improvisation skills, we played an activity where we walked around until told to stop. When we stopped, we had to turn to the person next to us and start acting and creating a scenario. One of my improvisations was about me pretending to have a broken back, needing help to stand up from a fellow partner. This helped to develop our reaction time so that we could get into character quickly. After this activity, we created freeze frames for different words in the play, "Noughts & Crosses", helping us to show characters through different positions and facial expressions. This task also showed us how to create smooth transitions from scene to scene.
Overall, I really enjoyed the lesson and felt that I developed many of my acting skills.
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