The Haka - 25/09/14

To begin the lesson, we completed our vocal and body warm ups, pronouncing vowels, using breath control, stretching and loosening up our bodies. To boost our confidence and help to use different gestures for different emotions, our class was put into groups to create a Haka - A war dance involving chanting which is performed by rugby teams. Our group chose to portray anger, by using loud, forceful noises and strong, stern body language. To degrade and humiliate the opponent team, we stuck our tongues. We also clenched our fists to show that we were angry and not going down without a fight. I feel that this helped to make me less shy and boost my confidence. After this, we rehearsed our scenes from the play "Noughts & Crosses". I now know all of my lines off by heart and can start concentrating on portraying my character using more emotion and body movement and gestures. Ms Lee was very pleased with our group's performance.

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